Georgiana Teseleanu, also known as Anai Greog, is a unique graphic designer who lives and creates in Bucharest, Romania. She…
Author DJ S13
Anai Greog - Supernatural Worlds
Secret Thirteen Mix 008 - Jara Tarnovski
An uplifting mix by multi-instrumentalist Jára Tarnovski merging 23 colourful records mostly by the Japanese composers.
Secret Thirteen Mix 007 - Cezary Gapik
A precise mix by Cezary Gapik including 13 surprising records from different decades.
Secret Thirteen Mix 005 - Anduin
A kaleidoscopic mix by Anduin where diverse music is blended into graceful entirety.
Secret Thirteen Mix 004 - Jeremy Bible
A dramatic mix by Experimedia’s Jeremy Bible connecting of 19 unique and deep records.
Secret Thirteen Mix 003 - Ryklys
A fluid mix by Emanuelis Ryklys that is about sublimity of the nature, its harmony and author's unconditional love for the sea.
STM 002 - Eril Fjord
Experience the groundbreaking, genre-defying sounds of Eril Fjord in 'Secret Thirteen Mix 002'—a masterfully improvised live recording by Krisztián Pető.
Secret Thirteen Mix 001 - Pleq
An imperishable monument of intelligent sound from the most promising Poland's musician Pleq.