“Secret Thirteen Mix 040” is a bizarre musical compilation that merges 18 various records from such authoritative musicians as Karlheinz Stockhausen, Maria Tănase, Henning Christiansen, The Shadow Ring, Nate Young, Christian Vander and others.
The author of the mix is Mark Harwood (born 1972), Australian publisher, event curator and sound artist who is now residing in London, United Kingdom. Active in the field of sonic arts nearly 20 years, Harwood is now publishing books and music. His publishing house Penultimate Press distributes some other labels including Lambkin's 'Kye' label and has published three books of writings and artwork by Graham Lambkin. Harwood is a formal owner of Synaesthesia records from Australia that released works from such notable musicians as Hecker, Robin Fox, Francis Plagne and Bernard Parmegiani among others. Recently, Harwood's subtle record “Alcor” under Astor pseudonym was released on 'Kye' imprint. Harwood's music stands out for delicately processed field recordings, sounds of distant thunder, the crackle of handheld microphones, combined with spectral instrumentation, piano, electronics that should definitely needs to be explored.
“Secret Thirteen Mix 040” is a thoroughly crafted cosmopolitan musical selection that varies between exotic sound expression and piquant melody arrangement. Even though each record is unique and can be assigned to variable music styles such as modern classical, folk or experimental, Harwood finds logical ways to connect them into the aesthetical wholeness. The fundamental musical surface is enriched with spoken-words, archaic world instruments, refined and inventive compositions. The emotional developing is much more than intense, it is a weird psychological penetration into listeners subconscious through subtle disharmony and contemporary sounding possibilities. The lo-fi melodious background and occasionally arising crackling, sparkling, noisy atmospheres create an ageless chef-d'oeuvre that combines different times, traditions, cultures and musical ideologies.
“Secret Thirteen Mix 040” is like an existential Brice Marden's abstract expressionistic drawing “Aphrodite Study” with the intellectual reflection of minimalism where a network of meandering lines form a dramatic fictional body that continues to stress the importance of touch, surface, color and tone.
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- Show Playlist
- 01. Michele Fedrigotti & Danilo Lorenzini – Kyrie, Christie, Kyrye
02. Key Ransone – Prelude Op. 4 Nr. 1 (For Vincent Persichetti)
03. Księżyc – Verlaine I
04. Shadow Ring, The – People
05. Celluloid – Neptune
06. Christian Vander – Magnifi
07. Henning Christiansen – Untitled
08. Karlheinz Stockhausen – Mittwochsgru
09. Mirror – The Mirror Of The Sea
10. Jacques Brodier – Chanson Dans Les Flammes
11. Flamen Dialis – Illusion
12. Maria Tănase – Cine Iubeşte Şi Lasă
13. Vanessa Rossetto – Swim Bladder
14. Karlheinz Stockhausen – Luzifers Tanz: Rechter Augentanz (Lid & Apfel)
15. Nate Young – Stygian Faces
16. Michael J. Schumacher* – Beet5
17. Jacques Bekaert – A Summer Day At Stony Point
18. Speed Limit – African Dance No 3
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