The author of the mix is Giuseppe Bifulco, known as Drøp, an uprising Italian sound designer and engineer based in Berlin. Bifulco started his magnetic Drøp project in 2010 giving an enormous importance to sound investigation. By incorporating his technical knowledge, gained while studying music technology in Rome, and innovative ideas, Bifulco teleports his complex compositions into a parallel dimension where sound effectively penetrates extreme listeners’ subconsciousness and indirectly presents the multiplex matrix of our chaotic nature. Drøp’s first record “Vasundhara EP” was released on Arboretum imprint, which is a collaborative project among Bifulco, Andrea Familari (aka FAX) and Marco Berardi (aka Mogano), focusing on audio and visual researches from a distinctive and open-minded perspective. Drøp’s record has marked Arboretum’s first release and prompted what kind of musical concepts of label and artists await in the near future. Together with visual designer Familari, Bifulco collaborates on their audiovisual project presenting the power of intense sound and microscopic contemporary visuals. You can learn more about this project by reading an article on Create Digital Motion. Bifulco has also collaborated with Dadub, after they met for the first time at “Artefacts Mastering” workshop in Italy.
During his working process Bifulco is using laptop as an instrument and numerous of self-builded, circuit-bended hardwares, focusing mostly on his research of sound as a physical phenomenon and experimentation. Bifulco sees his sound as a bundle of diverse information that deals with psycho-acoustic and musical therapy. He is generating it by manipulating and building electric circuits and everything that is able to turn electric impulses into sound sources. After a thoughtful use of digital synthesis/processing Bifulco has achieved his cutting-edge, dense and brilliant sound identity, which is really hard to forget after the first accords. Moreover, everything is done with a deep fascination for the mathematical theory of the empty-set (ø), which shows Bifulco interest in exact sciences and his absolute creativeness.
Check out Drøp’s and Dadub’s interview for SeekSickSound.
By following his latest mix for the wonderful Modyfier Process, in this special mix for Secret Thirteen Bifulco continues to explore the vast ocean of highly atmospheric, dynamic and subtly moving music catalog. The mix is based on slowly shifting cathedral type atmospheres, modern classical music motives and the overall melancholic, yet dark impressionistic mood. By enriching the whole mix surface with periodically emerging hypnotic percussions, mind-blowing glitchs, ritualistic field-recordings, various noises and drones, Bifulco gradually builds an immersive modern ambiance. Beyond his own tracks, he has included over 30 scenic records by such notable artists as Biosphere, Frank Bretschneider, Loscil, Demdike Stare, Roly Porter, Grischa Lichtenberger and others. Accurate and patient mixing makes this mix more like a sound collage, where the primary ideologies of distinct compositions transform into something completely new, into an intimate and prodigious world of Drøp, which is full of mystery and abyssal emotions.
It is like a remarkable Sir Eduardo Paolozzi’s symbolic sculpture “Newton” where it’s author is exploring the relation between mechanical and imaginative worlds. Newton's body looks partly bolted together as if the scientist who discovered the laws of nature was a machine. This is quite similar to Bifulco’s mix which subtly combines mathematical ideas and esotericism with the beauty of free mind and simple humanness.
Before leaving our readers with Drøp’s mix we would love to quote his significant words:
“Music is the most powerful instrument that humanity has ever owned. It affects our perception of time and space, disclosing different dimensions, deeper orders and hidden perspectives of the Existence. It drives our curtailed realities into one harmonic consciousness.”
- Show Playlist
- 01. Robert Crouch - Folk song [F901]
02. Biosphere - Dèviation [Touch Records]
03. Ryoji ikeda - Luxus 1-3
04. Fabio Perletta - Interstitial Space [F901]
05. Alemu Aga - Medina/Zelesegna [Music from Etiopia]
06. Frank Bretschneider - For Kyoka [Raster-noton]
07. Keith Jarrett - Rituals Prayer [ECM]
08. Ryoji ikeda - Counter Point [Dis Voir]
09. Nicolas Bernier - S9756 [Entr'acte]
10. Loscil - Endless Fall [Kranky]
11. Ryoji Ikeda - Data-Convex [Raster-noton]
12. Roly Porter - Tleilax [Subtext Recordings]
13. Biosphere - Sphere of no form [All Saints Records]
14. Colleen - I'll Ready you a story [The leaf label]
15. Oophoi e Tau Ceti - Omphalos/Aph-Lin [Umbra]
16. Alva Noto - M.09 [Mille Plateaux]
17. Tibetan Buddhist Rites from monaster - Rise up,Padma
18. Maesia - Sleeping without Silence
19. øe - Sad Jitter [Murmur records]
20. Biosphere - Poa Alpina [All Sanits Records]
21. Grün - Dropping I [Dromoscope]
22. Muslimgauze - The sari of colera [Universal Egg]
23. Gamelan Music of Bali - Gamelan gong gede-Tabuh telu
24. Demdike Stare - Matildas Dream [Modern-Love]
25. Grischa Lichtenberger - global bpm [Raster-noton]
26. Grün - Fotosintesi [Dromoscope]
27. Drøp - Epileptic Heritage [Arboretum]
28. Autechre - Byproduct 2.b
29. Zavolaka - Aureole of momentous splash [Kvitnu]
30. Robert Lippok - Bouncingform
31. Drøp - Unreleased track
32. Oval - Salamanca [Thrill Jockey]
33. O_r - O_r 3
34. France Jobin - Baryons [F901]
More about Drøp: Soundcloud - Facebook - Tumblr - Arboretum
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