Anai Greog - Supernatural Worlds


Georgiana Teseleanu, also known as Anai Greog, is a unique graphic designer who lives and creates in Bucharest, Romania. She started to experiment and develop individual graphic style during her studies in psychology at the university. It was unexpected for Georgiana to represent herself as an art artist, although she had a natural talent and passion in drawing for all of her life. As a qualified psychotherapist it wasn't so hard to express herself through architectural shapes and playful colors. Georgiana is inspired by mandalas, firstly discovered at Carl Jung's works, and the priority figure is the circle which is generous for her style that expands creativity to develop supernatural worlds inside it. In the creative process she uses accidental emotional arrangment, variable shape trajectories and this fact reflects her emotional surrounding in that moment. Qualified minimalism and eclectic compositions is a good description of her works.

It is like infinite interpretations of life situations around us, the mythical symbols that evoke different meanings in our unconscious.

More about Anai Greog:
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An interdisciplinary journal, offering eclectic mixes and smart interviews with original artists and label owners as well as contemporary art reviews.

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