Mixed Media Art by SU-Y
Register for our annual mix contest and get featured among other great artists and their epic Secret Thirteen mixes.
[social_warfare]Once more the time has come to hear the vox populi - Secret Thirteen will be holding the 4th edition of our New Blood mix contest! We invite all music geeks - tape/vinyl/CD collectors, crazy diggers and all other types of hardcore melomaniac - to submit your selections, of which we will pick the 6-8 most interesting ones and feature them on our roster. This is an opportunity to get your work out to the whole world for like-minded nerds (including us) to enjoy. Get the word out to all your friends who are buried deep in dusty libraries of wax and plastic!
This year we decided to give a bit more structure to New Blood in a sort of event of musical research which should be of interest to many. We would like to use this opportunity to explore the music of the turbulent ‘90s.
Why? Partly due to the way the public consciousness embraces narratives about time periods, and how those perceptions change. Undoubtedly many will have their own opinions about the music of the ‘90s, formed through personal experience, but there does seem to be a consensus that this was a transitional period, a time of flux where musical styles brushed up against each other, giving birth to both hideous chimeras and visionary monuments. In general it seems we are still wary of the cultural products of this decade as kitschy and shallow - good mostly for their nostalgia or for a laugh. And although our allergic reaction to a lot of the content associated with the ‘90s is only natural, there is also a feeling in the air that a lot can be gained from rediscovering. The ‘90s gave us easier ways to create and record, resulting in an explosion of output, but it was only the new millennium that gave us adequate means of reaching it - we’d like you to use them to explore one of these areas:
1990s: Free Jazz / Experimental / Noise
1990s: Industrial / EBM / Power Electronics
1990s: Post Punk / Post Rock / Black Metal
1990s: Synth Pop / New Wave / Electro
You are welcome to check out the winners of last year’s competition, as well as all other Secret Thirteen mixes for an idea on what we’re expecting. If you manage to weave a concept around one of the given musical directions - all the better for everyone!
Rules and process
The only real rules are that the mix should go in one of the above mentioned musical directions (interpreted somewhat liberally), and the tracklist should consist of (at least 70%) music from the ‘90s.
Sign up by May 31 with a short introduction including links to previous mixes or other work, your chosen direction, and why you chose it.
We will send you further instructions once you’ve signed up!
[contact-form-7 id="16801" title="New Blood Contest 2017"]