After debut album on limited edition cassette on Dominick Fernow’s Hospital Productions label and a mini-LP on 12” on Opal Tapes, Shapednoise is about to share his extreme noise on a new work. "Russian Torrent Versions 11", this Italian’s new album, which was released by Russian Torrent Versions, has managed to keep the pace set by its two predecessors.
Under the shelter of noise rebirth, Shapednoise has once again explored the enormous possibilities of this genre. Experimental, violent, intense, there are many adjectives that can be used to describe this artist’s offering. His perspective is clearly grounded on an in-depth, personal and rich interpretation of the post-industrial culture. In fact, this work opens with a purely noise track. “The Existence Of A Vital Reality”, as it is entitled, dissects the style on its entire spectrum and provides listeners with a truly evocative and shapeless composition. “Phase” starts with a hyper-heavy constant beat that intermingles with an immersive compound of sharp industrial effects throughout the five minutes of the track. In fact, this experimental techno imprint is also at the heart of the last two pieces. Maybe more industrial and deep, “Illumination” goes further, with fat background layers and impulsive effect tweaking, enriching its sound with savageness and strengthening its passion. Finally, “Distorted Vision” retakes the essence of post-industrialism without losing the momentum of the previous track. Its title speaks for itself. Raw, hectic, compulsive, aggressive… It has what any noise lover shall expect.
Similarly to Shapednoise’s first two works, his new four-track EP dives again into experimentation and violence. His creation draws from the concept of sound sculpting and repetition techniques, and allows listeners to enter a sort of parallel (and industrial) reality. No matter how far his abrasive sound had reached before, he knows no limits and this nameless album represents a true declaration of intent: the hand-crafting of noise.
More about Shapednoise: Website - Soundcloud - Facebook - RA