STM 018 - Pillowdiver

Photo by Fabio Orsi

René Margraff’s mix revives the essence of '90s rock with dynamic guitar melodies and lyrics that echo long after the music fades.

René Margraff’s mix revives the essence of '90s rock with dynamic guitar melodies and lyrics that echo long after the music fades.

"Secret Thirteen Mix 018" is a dynamic musical compilation featuring enduring works from the 1990s, an era when electric guitar riffs and distinctive vocals were paramount.

The creator of the mix is René Margraff (b. 1975), a German performer specializing in drone, ambient, and experimental music who resides and works in Berlin. Active in the music scene since 2001, René is widely recognized for his Pillowdiver releases on esteemed labels such as 12k, Under The Spire, and Twisted Tree Line. Alongside Michelle Hughes, he is also a member of the electronic rock band Two People In A Room, with whom he has successfully released two albums. Earlier, he had a solo project called Ckid, which he concluded in 2007. A mysterious figure, Margraff is here to share his discerning musical taste.

"Secret Thirteen Mix 018" is an awe-inspiring musical selection comprising 12 powerful tracks. Its foundation rests on versatile guitar melodies that unveil numerous rock genre movements, spanning Post-Rock, Indie Rock, Shoegaze, and more experimental expressions with downtempo motifs. The mixing is not extensive or overly tactful but is executed with care and coherence, aligning with the evolving emotional backdrop to create a seamless listening experience. In certain passages, silhouetted, glowing rhythmic patterns enrich the overall musical texture, and the evocative song lyrics serve as another compelling element that resonates with the deepest parts of listeners' hearts. It is a perfect selection for mature and emotional individuals.

"Secret Thirteen Mix 018" is akin to an authentic Le Corbusier painting, "Still Life," where smooth lines and the guitar's curving contours enhance a sense of impersonal objectivity.

01. Labradford - Accelerating On A Smoother Road [Kranky, 1993]
02. Disco Inferno - Next Year [Rough Trade, 1994]
03. Bailter Space - Robot World [Flying Nun Records, 1993]
04. Bowery Electric - Deep Sky Objects [Kranky, 1995]
05. Flying Saucer Attack - Present [Domino, 1997]
06. Hood - Hood Northern [Slumberland Records, 1996]
07. Parmentier - Untitled 3 [Sigma Editions, 1993]
08. Main - There Is Only Light [Situation Two, 1992]
09. Windy & Carl - Undercurrent [Kranky, 1998]
10. Seefeel - Spangle [Warp Records, 1994]
11. Telstar Ponies - Not Even Starcrossed [Fire Records, 1995]
12. The For Carnation - Grace Beneath The Pines [Matador, 1995]

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An interdisciplinary journal, offering eclectic mixes and smart interviews with original artists and label owners as well as contemporary art reviews.

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