Extraordinary Argentinian underground music community KNIFE creates a new tape label —KNIFE Records— and choses Kamé for their first release.
Extraordinary Argentinian underground music community KNIFE creates a new tape label —KNIFE Records— and choses Kamé for their first release.
Come near, music lovers. A new label is about to be born. Knife Records, as the baby will be called, is the result of the strong commitment towards music dissemination and relentless effort by Knife, a collective based in Argentina focusing on music podcasts. To start this new adventure, as with any milestone in life, taking a firm first step is crucial. In this case, Knife has hit the nail on the head by picking “Bleeding Out Shadows Of The Past” by Kamé — a.k.a. Ornella Banchero —, which will be put out next September 4th in limited cassette edition and digital format.
Consisting of four original tracks and four remixes, this EP sets the sonic foundations of the label with a clear declaration of intent. Garnished with extreme distortion and saturation, dark ambient, industrial techno and noise shake hands and become the three — solid —pillars upon which Ornella’s sound develops. As a whole, the structure of “Bleeding Out Shadows Of The Past” grows, track after track, in terms of intensity. “Abyss” opens with a disturbing slow-paced dark ritual, followed by “Neurosis of the Human Flesh”, which brings in dystopian industrial atmospheres and metallic percussive sounds. Then, “Die” and “Conscious or Unconscious” —with a killer bassline— twist the script evolving into massive industrial techno pieces. On the other hand, the remixes walk the path opened by the latter. Hypnoskull acts as the godfather of this terrific —and terrifying— EP. His re-interpretation of “Abyss”, which we are premiering here, provides the track with a highly rhythmic and mesmerising flavour. Then, the remaining three remixes, by MDD, Exome and Shourds, reinforce the thesis that a world with more industrial/hard techno would be paradoxically more beautiful, especially if it is played at an abandoned factory at dawn.
In short, this first work put out by Knife is successful from inception. Why? Easy. Because, “Bleeding Out Shadows Of The Past” is a diverse EP that includes ethereal dark ambient, a pure industrial taste and killer techno tracks. Also, because they found unbeatable companions in Hypnoskull, MDD, Exome and Shrouds to start the fire. And finally, because Kamé has proved in only four tracks that she has what it takes to become a big name.
Release Date
September 4, 2020.
A1. Kamé - Abyss
A2. Kamé - Neurosis Of The Human Flesh
A3. Kamé - Conscious Or Uncoscious
A4. Kamé - Die
B1. Kamé - Abyss (Hypnoskull Remix)
B2. Kamé - Abyss (Shrouds Remix)
B3. Kamé - Neurosis Of The Human Flesh (Exome Remix)
B4 Kamé - Die (MDD Remix)
Written and Produced by Kamé.
Art by Sofia Arista.
Photography by ʍᴀɢᴛɴᴏ.
Mastering by Nicola Cimmino.