STM 039 - ASC

ASC James Clements Auxiliary
Photo from ASC's archive

A carefully crafted kaleidoscopic mix by ASC, which could serve as a solid soundtrack for a mystery and drama film.

A carefully crafted kaleidoscopic mix by ASC, which could serve as a solid soundtrack for a mystery and drama film.

Secret Thirteen Mix 039 is a kaleidoscopic musical collage that smoothly connects different styles of music, ranging from ambient and experimental to techno and authentic electronica. The compilation includes emotionally powerful audio material from artists such as 36, HTRK, Vatican Shadow, Anthony Rother, Harold Budd & Brian Eno, Ensemble Economique, and others. This masterpiece uncovers the author’s intelligence, perfectionism, mobility, and spirituality.

The author of the mix is James Clements (a.k.a. ASC). Clements is a forward-thinking British electronic music producer currently residing in San Diego, United States. ASC is one of the most prolific and honored musicians in the drum and bass scene and beyond. Growing up in different areas of England, he absorbed influences from Motown, techno, and the vibrant UK hardcore scene, all of which had a significant impact on his productions. While still in school, Clements was inspired by science fiction, synthesizers, Metroid, THX-1138, 808 State, FSOL, Autechre, and many other pieces of art, leading him to start DJ’ing with a couple of friends on pirate radio stations. Nowadays, Clements is undoubtedly one of the most prolific and honored musicians in the drum and bass scene and beyond. His career officially began in the late ’90s with releases on legendary drum and bass labels like LTJ Bukem’s Good Looking Records and Nu-Directions. Over more than a decade, he has released over ten studio albums and many more EPs and singles on Nonplus Records, Perc Trax, Samurai Red Seal, Exit Records, and others. James also curated his own label, Covert Operations Recordings, which published numerous vinyl and CD releases between 2000 and 2009. Since then, Clements has focused on his new imprint, Auxiliary, presenting progressive and flexible electronic music. Over the past few years, Clements has explored the more experimental and innovative side of music, drawing from IDM, downtempo, ambient, and abstract styles. He has also demonstrated his open-minded approach to music and its roots through his remarkable Deep Space Mix series. Recently (in 2012), he released two albums of differing aesthetics—“Out Of Sync” and “Decayed Society” (with Sam KDC). The third album, “The Second Cycle,” was released under another pseudonym, Mindspan.

Secret Thirteen Mix 039 is a carefully crafted, edited, and polished musical selection that could serve as a solid composition for a mystery or drama film. This 90-minute creation is shaped using thirty-four hypnotizing records. Gently incorporated field recordings, samples from lectures, and dialogues enrich the measured background. By using thoughtfully selected volatile ambiance, Clements finds non-traditional ways to seamlessly merge different BPMs and styles of music. A large part of the mix consists of unreleased material from Imagination Network (a collaborative project between Clements and Auxiliary artists), ASC, and Mindspan creations. The mix is built on consistently developed sublime atmospheres, oscillating extensive melody arrangements, and occasionally emerging profound rhythms. The central theme is saturated with modified shifting instrumentation that varies between cathedral and vacuum-type sound expression. Considerable attention is focused on the micro-activity, which constantly shifts between lower and higher-level tones, creating a lasting wholeness that reveals new musical accents with each listen. High-quality headphones are highly recommended to get the full listening pleasure and experience.

Secret Thirteen Mix 039 is like Claude Monet’s breathtaking painting, “Water-Lilies, Setting Sun,” where a reverberating flaming firmament in the mysterious pond evokes nostalgia, expands the imagination, and disconnects from reality. Clements’ musical knowledge and the maturity of his outlook can be summed up in his modest but meaningful words: "It's a reflection of where I am right now musically. I think it might be one of the best mixes I have done in a very long time." A remarkably picturesque soundtrack that needs to be analyzed, absorbed, and spread throughout the cosmos.

00:00-00:47 - 1.01 - Imagination Network – Lithium C3
00:47-05:34 - 1.02 - 36 – Home
05:34-08:07 - 1.03 - Bitcrush – Colder
08:07-08:36 - 1.04 - Imagination Network – Lithium A1
08:36-12:24 - 1.05 - Six Six Seconds – Tearing Down Heaven
12:24-15:00 - 1.06 - ASC – Is This The End?
15:00-20:42 - 1.07 - Lee Noble – Indian Princess
20:42-24:18 - 1.08 - 1991 – Open To The Dark
24:18-27:25 - 1.09 - ASC – Accept Things As They Are
27:25-28:20 - 1.10 - Imagination Network – Lithium B2
28:20-35:31 - 1.11 - Iesope Drift – Korot
35:31-38:55 - 1.12 - Anthony Rother – Elixir Of Life Part V
1.13 - Imagination Network – Lithium K1
1.14 - ASC – Shimo
38:55-42:13 - 1.15 - HTRK – Love Triangle
42:12-42:13 - 1.16 - Unknown Artist – 2001: A Space Odyssey (Videophone Sequence)
42:13-47:12 - 1.17 - Ensemble Economique – Radiate Through Me
47:12-53:13 - 1.18 - Hallucinator – Frontier
53:13-56:56 - 1.19 - Harold Budd & Brian Eno – Wind In Lonely Fences
56:56-58:16 - 1.20 - Turin Brakes – Heavy 2
58:16-58:39 - 1.21 - Imagination Network – Lithium D4
58:39-61:09 - 1.22 - Mindspan – Sinkhole
61:09-61:56 - 1.23 - Imagination Network – Lithium E5
61:56-66:50 - 1.24 - Anthony Rother – Elixir Of Life Part V
1.25 - Pausal – Fertiliser
66:50-70:16 - 1.26 - Morpheus – Morpheus
70:16-74:26 - 1.27 - Future Sound Of London, The – Max (Original)
74:26-75:12 - 1.28 - Imagination Network – Lithium H8
75:12-80:05 - 1.29 - Raime – If Anywhere Were Here, He Would Know Where We Are
1.30 - Covered In Sand – Our Yearning
80:05-83:07 - 1.31 - Mark Morgan – Underground Troubles (Fallout OST)
83:07-83:40 - 1.32 - Imagination Network – Lithium I9
83:40-88:50 - 1.33 - Vatican Shadow – Shadow War In Yemen
88:50-93:20 - 1.34 - Sight Below, The – Fervent


1.06 - Used Field Recording Of Rain Storm
1.11 - Used Spoken Word Extract Of Terrence McKenna Lecture
1.14 - Used Live Recording Of A Korg Monotron Fed Through A Boss RE-20 Space Echo
1.19 - Used Sample From ASC - Focus Inwards
1.26 - Field Recording Used Of Chicago PD Scanner
1.27 - Used Dialogue Sample From Tekkonkinkreet

About Author

An interdisciplinary journal, offering eclectic mixes and smart interviews with original artists and label owners as well as contemporary art reviews.